"This group gave us the gift of being with people who get it, who really understand It gave us a warm and safe place to say things out loud that we couldn’t say anywhere else, and to be supported in such good ways. It was one of the most important and helpful things we did after our son died.”

~former participant, loving mother to a beautiful stillborn son

The death of a child is a unique and traumatic loss, full of deep pain and devastating grief. Parents often feel overwhelmed, isolated, and confused. This group is open to individuals and couples, is designed to offer a safe and supportive space to share your experience with others, to gain information about grief and loss, and to learn to cope in healthy and productive ways.

Connecting Hearts is facilitated by Bereavement Professionals Brigid Boyle and Janet Press. With over 20 years of experience supporting grieving families, Brigid is a Certified Grief Counselor in private practice, specializing in perinatal and infant loss. Janet is a Clinical Nurse Specialist with certification in Thanatology and 40 years of experience supporting women during pregnancy and infant loss.

Traditionally, the group has met for six consecutive weeks, twice a year. Plans for the fall are currently under review in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Please check back for more information or contact Brigid Boyle at 315.281.9847 or brigid@brigidboyle.com for more information.


Crouse Health has recently begun a monthly, drop-in, support group for bereaved families who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss. This group is open to parents, family members, and caregivers. More information can be found here.


Other organizations host support groups for various kinds of child loss. Among those are the local chapters of The Compassionate Friends and Hope for the Bereaved. Please click on the highlighted links to be directed to their websites. 

Honoring Our Babies is a group of local parents who have a Circle Gathering on the third Wednesday evening of each month at Onondaga Free Library. Learn more about this group at Honoring Our Babies. Information about the next gathering is here.

If you are a part of a local support group, and would like CNYPIBR to publicize the information about your group, please contact us.


CNYPIBR has a number professionals to whom we refer if you are needing individual support. Please contact us if you would like assistance in finding the right therapist or counselor for you.  


Social media provides many, many ways for bereaved parents to connect with one another. Below are Facebook groups that we have found to be helpful.

A Bed for My Heart

Grieving Parents Support Network

Quietly United in Loss

Far Side of the Rainbow

The Love & Loss Project

For A Moment Portrait Service

Stillbirthday Hearts Release

A Memory Grows

Selah House Care Farm

Pregnancy After Loss Support

Hannah’s Heart and Love

STAR Legacy Foundation

Robby’s Rabbits


After a loss, receiving baby related mail (samples, coupons, etc.) can be especially painful. By printing, completing, and mailing in this letter, it will slow by up to 75%.