Annual Memorial Flower Planting

This event is held each spring at the Fayetteville Memory Garden. It is a gentle time of remembrance and acknowledgment of the last impact our little ones have on our lives. This gathering is open to parents, children, extended family, and friends.

This year’s event will take place at 11 a.m. on Saturday, June 10, 2023 at Fayetteville Memory Garden.

Register here.


Memory Making Events

From time to time, in conjunction with other local support sources, we offer opportunities for parents to gather to work with images and memories of their children and create meaningful ways to share those. Whether parents are making an ornament for the holiday, or creating a spring time collage, they find these events to be healing, helpful, and even enjoyable.


Walk to Remember

This event takes place the first Sunday of each October, and helps kick of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. Together we walk in memory of our little ones.


World Wide Candle Lighting Services

On a Sunday in early December, families around the globe light candles in memory of children of any age who have died. With communities everywhere, we take time away from the frenzied pressure of the holiday circle the earth with a wave of light in honor and memory. The World Wide Candle Lighting Service is held on the second Sunday of December.